I am thrilled that my tribute to Wilfred Owen (1893-1918), “Shrapnel,” appears in Motif 2: Come What May (MotesBooks, 2010). In addition, “Beloved Corporate Retirees” will be in the upcoming Knocking at the Door (Buddhapuss Ink), “Contagion” in One for the Road (Split Oak Press) and “Express” in the Alhambra Poery Calendar 2011 (Alhambra Publishing).
Translation in Source
My translation of Hélène Sanguinetti’s poem, “Two Kernels to Start the Day,” and essay on her work appear in a special issue of Source on Women and Translation. Editor Michele McKay Aynesworth packs Source, the online journal of the literary division of the American Translators Association, with fascinating articles. Take a look!
‘Andromeda’ as invocation
I read “Andromeda at Midlife” to open the Alumnae/i Citation Ceremony at the Sarah Lawrence Reunion on June 4. Thanks to Rona Carr, president of the Alumnae/i Association, for this lovely invitation. It was an honor to be back on campus and recall that the Sarah Lawrence community always reveres poetry.
Hadad and Afzal-Khan this Thursday
Herb Hadad and Fawzi Afzal-Khan will read at the Hudson Valley Writers Center July 15 at 7:30 p.m. Hadad, author of Finding Immortality: The Making of One American Family, is a former New York Times essayist. Afzal-Khan’s memoir, Lahore with Love, explores her Pakistani childhood. $5 admission includes Middle Eastern refreshments.
Vitale feature at Montreal Festival
Montreal on Screen-Congress 2010 recently screened “Montreal Main,” Frank Vitale's classic underground feature. The film will also be explored in Queer Film Classics (Arsenal Pulp Press) which covers 21 influential 1950-2005 films about and by LGBTQ people. The remastered “Montreal Main” DVD is available here.
‘Round the Net
· Jamie Appel, for this YouTube film on the value of hugs.
· Maggie Dunne, on a State Department fellowship, for sharing more Bangladesh adventures.
· Linda Leedy Schneider for creating this Not a Muse Bowery Poetry Club reading DVD, which you can purchase for $20 by contacting brooks123@aol.com.
· Angela Virsinger, for introducing me to this journal of poetry and illustration.
· Julie Wiskirchen for this wonderful story of an inspirational pit bull.
Hope you’re getting in some great summer reading. I just finished Ulysses, spurred on by Declan Kiberd’s Ulysses and Us (Faber and Faber, 2009). All I can say is “Wow!” and “Whew!”
Wishing you classic discoveries….
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