Mapping Lyric Narrative
Thanks also to Black Hawk Literary Agent Jan Kardys for inviting me to give another workshop, Mapping Lyric Narrative, at the second annual Unicorn Writers Conference last April. Wondering what Mapping is all about? Buy the workshop DVD online and see! It’s an expertly filmed view of the workshop.
Knocking at the Door
This unusual anthology, which includes my poem, “Beloved Corporate Retirees,” is getting rave reviews in Poetix and Bookslut.
Night of Rock
The Offbeats once again helped raise top dollar for The Scarsdale Teen Center in May. Reuniting at the Wicked Wolf Tavern in White Plains, the band gave a fantastic performance led by lead singer Jay Shulman (third from left), guitarist John Moses (far right), singer and mean harp-player Thom Pernice (foreground, right), bass Andy Kreeger, drummer Ted Spencer and my personal favorite, rhythm guitarist Michael Cefola (foreground left).
Calling All Teen Artists
S+Art, a new summer art program for teens June 12-August 11, offers mentoring by a professional artist, exploring creativity individually and in small groups, developing skills needed to create an art portfolio, and getting the inside scoop on and touring art schools. S+Art takes place at the Dream Bigger Center, 120 Clapboard Ridge Road, Danbury, CT. Sign up at portfolioprep.org, info@portfolioprep.org or by calling 203-746-0100.
Did you know this comes from the French M’Aidez? It’s also the title of a fantastic new play, set in 1915, by Dale Walkonen. Nothing like a ride in a Pierce Arrow to thrill Clarence and shock Anita! See the play on June 20, 2pm, at the Gene Frankel Theater, 24 Bond Street, off Lafayette, in New York City. No charge but space is limited so please reserve at www.planetconnections.org or by calling 866-811-4111.
‘Round the Net
Thanks to the following people for sending me a fascinating array of links:
· Translator Juliet Carp for this interesting interview with reknowned literary editor Robert Gottlieb.
· Sculptor Jillian Conrad for alerting us that she has work in Vista, a summer art show, at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, NY, through August 7.
· KJ Denhert, jazz singer/guitarist/composer extraordinaire, for this preview of her new video.

· My sister-in-law, Elaine Gregory, for discovering that my turn-of-the century artist-grandmother (see above) was also a cartoonist, and for this witty look at peep culture.
· Otis Books’ Stephen Hotchkiss for the new Seismicity Editions blog
· Poet Janet Kaplan for this review of her new book, Dreamlife of a Philanthropist (University of Notre Dame Press).
· The New York Times for setting up a hawk cam outside the office of NYU’s president to watch Pip, the eyas of red-tail parents Bobby and Violet, hatch, grow up and…one day soon…fledge. Update: Pip fledged at 11:55 a.m. on June 23rd--go Pip! Fly high!
· Poet Kevin Pilkington for his new book, The Unemployed Man Who Became a Tree (Black Lawrence Press).
· Screenwriter David Ring for this WSJ thought-provoking piece on electronic publishing.
· Poet Jackie Sheeler for this amazing video she created about the Fukushima meltdown.
· Poet Linda Simone for her poem, “I’ve Never Been Much Good at It,” in Assisi.
· Poet Meredith Trede for her upcoming book, Field Theory (SFA Press).
Wishing you creativity that sizzles like the summer heat!
Until next time,